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How can I measure the DALI voltage in the DALI-Gateways Basic DG/S x.64.1.1?

BA Engineering Team
29.10.2024 08:42

As a unique feature, the DALI-Gateways DG/S x.64.1.1 allows an accuare measurement directly with a multimeter on the DALI output.

The voltage varies normally due to the DALI communication. To avoid these disturbances and have a accurently measurement, you have to activate the manual operation via the manual button on the front of the device.

Voltage values at the DALI output should be (nominal voltage is 16 V DC):

DG/S          9.5 V DC - 22.5 V DC (depending on the number of devices and wire length)

DG/S          9.5 V DC - 22.5 V DC per output (depending on the number of devices and wire length)

Tags: DALI, Light Control
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