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ABA/S 1.2.1: What does „PoE Class 2“ mean?

Carolina Bachenheimer-Schaefer
29.11.2016 15:06

The power supply for the Logic Controller can only be via PoE (Power over Ethernet) without any additional voltage.

PoE classes in general means, which max. power the supplier e.g. a switch has to deliver dependent on the power range of a consumer load (ABA/S).

The following table shows the individual classes:

Standard Class Type Classification current Max. power delivered (PSE) Power range (PD)
IEEE 802.3af 0 dafault 0 - 4 mA 15,4 W 0,44 - 12,95 W
IEEE 802.3af 1 optional 9 - 12 mA 4,0 W 0,44 - 3,84 W
IEEE 802.3af 2 optional 17 - 20 mA 7,0 W 3,84 - 6,49 W
IEEE 802.3af 3 optional 26 - 30 mA 15,4 W 6,49 - 12,95 W
IEEE 802.3at 4 optional 36 - 44 mA 25,5 W 12,95 - 21,90 W

PSE = Power supply PD   = Consumer load



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