What is the day/night switch over in the "Time control" in free@home?

Lina Nord
04.01.2018 12:30

The day/night switch over found in the "Time control" in the user interface is helping the system decide when it is day and when it is night. The default setting is that both day and night switch is on astro function but this can be adjusted manually according to a specific time. This information can later be used for setting the parameters of the LED lights on the rockers and deciding the switch-on brightness of the dimmer during day and night. 

Example 1: after 11 p.m. the corridor light is no longer to switch on with maximum brightness, but only with the reduced brightness of 40%.

Example 2: the LED light  for orientation on the rockers is to be switched off after 11 p.m in the bedroom to not disturbe my sleep.


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