How do I configure the free@home system without an Internet connection?
The System Access Point makes available its own WLAN during commissioning, so that it can be comfortably programmed in mobile mode, even when no network infrastructure is available.
First make sure that the System Access Point is powered and that the right button light is green. Then the left button light should also turn green. If this doesn’t happen automatically, please push the left button on the System Access Point. When the left button is green, you should be able to find the System Access Point in the available networks on the computer or smart tablet.
To see WLAN name (Sysap...) and password (PW), open the cover of the System Access Point. After established connection, enter the IP-address (also shown under the cover of the System Access Point) in the web browser on your computer or start the app on your tablet. A patch cable can also be used to make a connection between the System Access Point and the computer. For more information, see the manual.
Tags: free@home