ABA/S 1.2.1: What should be considered when using “constants” in combination with the “1-MUX” function?

BA Engineering Team
29.07.2024 11:26

Logic example

If constants are used as inputs of a 1-MUX, the "Send trigger" parameter must also be activated on the 1-MUX. This is not set by default.

Without an activated send trigger, the output of the 1-MUX is only sent when a new value is received at one of the two inputs (I0 or I1) and this input was previously selected.
With constants, i.e. fixed values, a new value can never be received at the input.
                  --> This also prevents the output from being sent on KNX!

In this case, the "selector" input must function as a send trigger. This means that the output sends every time a value is received at the selector input.

In the simulation, the actual value at the output is displayed correctly, but not necessarily calculated. This can be seen by whether the output value lights up red or not.

For better control, the simulation speed can be adjusted.

Tags: KNX, Logic
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